
My Place to Take a Deep Breath

Customized Your Own Desktop!

Somehow, 3 months ago I figured out that my desktop is so messy and very not-nice-looking at all. So I start to find some way to get those craps out. From KasKus I got these stuffs, and it really pimped my desktop. Curious? Here are some screenshots for you to see :

Attractive is it? Well it's quite simple to do this, basically you will need a program named RainMeter and the other one name Rocketdock. For those who are Indonesian, this tutorial over here will expand more on the way in creating this [KasKus-Desktopocholic]. For others, since I am not having so much free time to create a tutorial right now (maybe later I will do one), but the first thing you need to do is go to DeviantArt, register your account and afterward you may surf hundreds of rainmeter skins and plugins in order to enhance the look of your desktop. (The 2 apps I mentioned before also you can get it there)

Well, since this is only a simple and short promotions, if there's a question bugging your head, you can send me an email or add my MSN : seven-dolphins@hotmail.com

Aha, and the last thing is, this kind of apps do not eat much RAM, trust me. Not more than 20mb of RAM for both of the apps.

So here is some useful links for you to start using this apps : (credits goes to Kupoo~ @KasKus)
1. Download the Rainmeter from here.
2. For Dock applications and all plugins, this one will just be perfect, here.